Aided Display Name: Working children and Nowruz

Category: Providing Stuff

Aider Goal: 2000.00

Aided Recieved: 2288.00

Aider Location: Canada

Aided Location: Iran

Date Start: Thursday, March 7, 2024 - 22:15

Date Finish: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 14:15

Leader: Par Ebrahimi

Every year, we do not forget the working children on the occasion of Nowruz. Children who work hard in our country. Some of them unfortunately drop out of school and some of them work at crossroads while studying. The work of these children is very hard and against their rights at this age.
We shop for them every year at this time. They like sweets and nuts which are common in Iran. Also, we have been able to find the living area of ​​some of them and prepare and take food for their families. This year, unfortunately, since there was a flood in Sistan, we had to help that area as well. However, we raised $2,288 and were able to make some of them happy.

You can see it according to the pictures.