Aided Display Name: Aiding to treat patients

Category: Patients

Aider Goal: 7000.00

Aided Recieved: 8916.00

Aider Location: Canada

Aided Location: Iran

Date Start: Friday, April 7, 2023 - 21:15

Date Finish: Monday, April 17, 2023 - 21:15

Leader: Par Ebrahimi

In this campaign, we decided to send help to 6 cancer patients who were waiting for our help for a long time for their treatment.
In this campaign, the amount of 8215.70 dollars was collected, as well as 26 million and seven hundred thousand toomans (equivalent to 700 dollars).
The total amount of donations was 8916 dollars and was divided equally among 6 people. ($1486 per person)
The dollar price was 38 thousand 400 toomans.
An amount of 57,630,000 toomans was sent to each of them.