Aided Display Name: Aiding Bahram, Shahla and masoumeh
Category: Patients
Aider Goal: 1500.00
Aided Recieved: 1992.00
Aider Location: Canada
Aided Location: Iran
Date Start: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 02:15
Date Finish: Friday, August 26, 2022 - 02:15
Leader: Par Ebrahimi
Bahram was a 62 years old and he was introduced by one of our members. He was waiting for his turn to receive our help for his heart surgery , he had to work hard, unfortunately during his work his heart vein ruptured and he underwent emergency surgery at Milad Hospital. Milad Hospital isn’t private, so it was not expensive.
We collected 1992 dollars, our members decided that we divided this money, so we gave 11 million tomans to Bahram, and 750 dollars were divided between two sick women, Shahla, who had breast cancer and Masoume, who needed intestinal surgery.